
By Ryan, 26 February, 2021

It's been years since I paid much attention to my personal blog, dropping by only occasionally to post something new, moderate comments, or apply Drupal updates. I've been wanting to upgrade for a while, and the current status of Drupal 9 + its core themes Olivero (front-end) and Claro (admin) convinced me to spend a few evenings making it happen. However, I didn't want to just rock the blue palette the Olivero theme uses by default.

By Ryan, 8 June, 2010

On two separate sites I've recently had to implement a rotating image banner that could optionally be linked to paths within the site or to external URLs. Originally I tried a (mostly) self-contained module that matched the feature set called Rotor with some success but really needed greater flexibility. Undaunted, I rebuilt the functionality using a custom content type, a few CCK fields, ImageCache, and Views with the Views Slideshow plugin.